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Oh this is really good. I wasn’t sure if I was being punished for guessing wrong, but once I realized I could swap my current tile for a different one by replacing it then it became more manageable. Realizing that the number represents only neighbours and not itself came at nearly the end. I got pretty close on my first one! Really cool concept, maybe just needed a more visual tutorial, but playing it revealed itself to me pretty naturally. Awesome game!


Thanks! Your image didn't come through, but just to clear that up, the number *does* contain itself, so a 9 is
X X X 
X X X 
All of those are the color. I would def add more tutorial and directions given more time to develop!
Thanks so much for playing :D

(1 edit)

The game doesn’t seem to be loading for me, it gets stuck at 80% loading in my web browser for minutes.

Edit: It was firefox, switching to edge fixed it for me.

Yeah the new Godot export seems to be a tad buggy. I have had some success playing jam games on Edge where Chrome failed. I think its a bit of a random chance.

Who knew there was room for innovation on such a classic formula?

Ah thanks for the kind words :D